Rabbi Yosef Schwinger, head of the National Center for Development of Holy Places at the Ministry of Religious Service, has announced his intention to step down from his position in light of conclusions made by the state commission of inquiry. It had finished investigating the circumstances of the 2021 Meron disaster in which 45 people were killed in a crush.

The commission concluded that Schwinger bears the biggest responsibility for the tragedy and recommended his immediate resignation.

The commission also found Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu personally responsible for the incident. However, the commission refrained from making recommendations regarding the head of government. The commission also named responsible former Minister of Public Security Amir Ohana and recommended not appointing him again to the post.

The commission also holds Commissioner of Israel Police Yaakov "Kobi" Shabtai responsible for the tragedy. The conclusion states that under different circumstances, the commission would recommend Shabtai's immediate resignation. However, due to the country's difficult situation, the commission suggests that the government choose the moment for the inspector general's resignation.