Sara Netanyahu appeals to Mother of Qatar emir for hostage release

Sara Netanyahu, the wife of the Prime Minister, has penned a personal letter to Moza bint Nasser, mother of the current Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, asking her to use her influence and facilitate the release of hostages during Ramadan.

"Ramadan, a time for compassion and generosity, reminds us of the strength we hold when we come together to uphold the values of peace and humanity. It is in this spirit of unity and shared human values that I wish to address a matter of great urgency and importance - the plight of the Israeli abducted and held by Hamas in Gaza. The pain of their families, who await their return, resonates deeply within our hearts, reminding us of the preciousness of life and the importance of coming together to protect it," she wrote.

"Woman to woman, it's imperative to address that among the hostages, 19 women are enduring unimaginable hardships. Reports of sexual abuse and rape are horrifying, and such acts against women cannot be ignored or tolerated. It is a call to action that transcends political boundaries and speaks to our shared humanity and values," Netanyahu said.

"I urge you, in the spirit of Ramadan, to leverage your significant influence to work towards the release of the Israeli hostages. Your involvement can play a decisive role in bringing them home, igniting a spark of hope for their families, and making a significant step toward peace and reconciliation. Your voice and influence can greatly improve their situation. I urge you to speak out against these atrocities. We cannot remain silent or stand back when the dignity and safety of women are at stake," Netanyahu concluded.

Netanyahu's letter is another recent effort to reach a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, with Qatar acting as a significant mediator.