Sources in Gaza have reported that Hamas executed the elder of the Doghmush clan due to his contacts with representatives of the Israeli authorities, as stated by the Abu Ali Express telegram channel.
The information is currently under verification.
The publication highlights that Hamas recently issued a warning to clan leaders against collaborating with Israel.
Abu Ali Express recalls that Mumtaz Doghmush, who previously served in the security service in Gaza and within Hamas structures, distanced himself from the Doghmush clan.
In 2006, he was involved in the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit and, in 2007, of British journalist Alan Johnston. A conflict arose between him and Hamas in 2008, resulting in the deaths of 11 Doghmush clan members. However, the conflict was eventually resolved.
In 2014, Mumtaz Doghmush founded the Army of Islam (Gaza), pledging allegiance to the Islamic State in 2015.