Hamas-run Health Ministry: death toll in Gaza reached 31,645

At least 31,645 Palestinians have been killed and 73,676 have been wounded in Gaza since October 7, the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry reports.

According to Hamas's health ministry data, 92 people were killed and 130 were injured in Gaza during the past day of fighting.

The World Health Organization has repeatedly emphasized its inability to confirm or refute data accuracy on casualties provided by the Gaza Ministry of Health. However, in January, The Lancet published an analysis suggesting that the Gaza Health Ministry's figures may be close to reality.

According to the IDF reports, dozens of operatives from terrorist groups are eliminated in Gaza every day. Approximately 13,000 militants and their commanders have been eliminated in Gaza since the start of the war. Hamas acknowledges the deaths of about 6,000 of its militants.

The terror group's figures are unverified. Gazan Health Ministry doesn't differentiate between civilians and combatants and lists all the fatalities as caused by Israel, despite evidence that many individuals are killed due to the actions of terrorist organizations or for other reasons not directly related to the Israeli military operation in Gaza.