Lapid slams postponement of conscription law approval as blasphemy

On March 18, the Knesset held its weekly meetings for parliamentary factions.

During a session of the Yesh Atid faction, opposition leader Yair Lapid criticized the coalition for prolonging discussions on the Haredi draft law, labeling such actions as shameful.

"The government's intention to request another postponement of the conscription law approval is outrageous. The army repeatedly emphasizes its need for more soldiers. The government's attempt to devise various tactics not only insults our soldiers but also jeopardizes the state's security", remarked Lapid.

The inaugural meeting of the Yamin Mamlakhti faction also took place, where party leader Gideon Sa'ar reiterated his demand for a position in the war cabinet.

"If we're not granted this position within a few days, we will withdraw from the government. There's no point in delaying," asserted Saar.

He added, "During military-political cabinet meetings, we advocate for our principled stances on wartime conduct. Unfortunately, there's a decline in military pressure. Procrastination negatively impacts events on our northern borders."

Avigdor Lieberman, leader of the Israel Our Home party, also addressed the conscription issue.

"We won't endorse any law that doesn't adhere to a simple rule: all 18-year-olds must report to recruitment stations, and then the army will determine its needs," stated Lieberman.

He also proposed canceling the vacation scheduled to begin on April 7. "It's perplexing. How can deputies take a two-month break under current conditions?" questioned Lieberman.