IDF operations in Hebron, Nablus, Tulkarm, and Jericho on March 20

The IDF continues to operate in Judea and Samaria to prevent new terrorist attacks and detain or neutralize activists of terrorist organizations.

According to Palestinian Authority (PA) sources, on the night of March 20, the Israeli military conducted operations in and around Hebron (including Beit Ummar, Nubu, and Bani Naim), Nablus, Tulkarm, Jericho (specifically Ein Al Sultan and Aqbat Jaber Camp), as well as near Ramallah (Kafr Ni'ma and Jalazone) and in the Aida camp in Bethlehem.

Palestinian sources reported that militants from the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Battalion attacked Israeli soldiers with an explosive device at a checkpoint in northern Qalqilya. Clashes between militants from terrorist groups and IDF soldiers were reported.

Border police also operated in the Al-Ram area, north of Jerusalem.

There are no reports of casualties among the Israeli military in Judea and Samaria. The total number of detainees is currently being clarified.

As of now, the IDF has not provided any comments on the events in Judea and Samaria that occurred on the night of March 20.