Israeli Supreme Court approves demolition of terrorist's house despite non-fatal injuries

The Israeli Supreme Court has approved the demolition of the home belonging to terrorist Khalid Abd al-Fattah Muhammad al-Mahtasab, who carried out an armed attack on the Shalem police station near the Nablus Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem on October 12, 2023.

This marks the first time the Supreme Court has made such a decision, rejecting the appeal from the terrorist's family.

Notably, this case involved no fatalities; however, two policemen were injured, with one in critical condition upon hospitalization.

Justices David Mintz and Yosef Elron voted to dismiss the appeal, despite the dissenting opinion of Justice Yitzhak Amit.

On the evening of October 12, 2023, Khalida al-Mahtasab fired shots at police officers stationed near the entrance to the police station, armed with a homemade Carl Gustav ("Carlo") submachine gun. The terrorist was subsequently killed in the shootout.