'You're not for the hostages, you're against the government': Mother of Hamas hostage confronts protesters

Ayelet Samareno, mother of soldier Yonatan Samareno killed by Hamas terrorists, confronted protesters outside Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana's residence.

The protesters, equipped with loudspeakers, gathered holding signs demanding the immediate release of hostages and advocating for a deal with Hamas. Some wore sweaters featuring images of Israelis kidnapped by terrorists, including a portrait of Yonatan Samareno, which deeply upset his mother.

A video of the incident was published by renowned political commentator Amit Segal on his Telegram channel.

Samareno addressed the protesters, emphasizing that the area's residents, disturbed by the protest, bore no responsibility for the situation. In response, the protesters asserted that they had no alternative.

"There is a choice!" Samareno exclaimed, directing her words to a protester wearing a t-shirt with her son's photo.

"You're not here to protest for us! Remove that immediately! You're not here for them; my son is kidnapped, and you're exploiting his photo to overthrow the government! You're disturbing local residents, disrupting sleeping babies, and unsettling the sick and elderly for your personal agenda, not to secure the release of the abducted."

Samareno's son, soldier Yonatan Samareno, perished in a battle with terrorists, and his body was seized by a UNRWA social worker and transported to Gaza in an agency vehicle.

This incident was captured on video, which Samareno shared at the international conference of the NGO UN Watch in Geneva. The conference focused on UNRWA and the revelations about its employees' collaboration with Hamas during the war in Gaza.

"How can the UN reward someone who dragged my son's body across the ground, tossed him into a UNRWA vehicle, and took him to Gaza like a trophy, like spoils of war?" Samareno questioned.

"The UN is holding my son! Mr. Guterres, look into my eyes and tell me: where is my son? You have the chance to meet me today and answer—what will you do to bring my son back? I'm not a judge or an investigator; I'm just a mother who lost the most precious thing in this world. We have evidence that UNRWA employees were involved in the October 7th massacre. For me, that's sufficient proof: UNRWA should not exist. UN, clean up your own house."