Kerem Shalom residents return home for Purim celebrations

Residents of Kibbutz Kerem Shalom, situated in the northwestern Negev near the Gaza Strip borders, celebrated the traditional Purim festival "Adloyada" by returning home with their children dressed in carnival costumes - despite challenging circumstances.

Following the Hamas massacre on October 7, where several dozen Kibbutz Kerem Shalom residents lost their lives, the remaining families relocated to the village of Ashalim within the Ramat Negev local council.

While this is a temporary arrangement, the kibbutz residents are hopeful to return to Kerem Shalom permanently once it's deemed safe.

"Traditions are traditions," remarked kibbutz residents to Channel Seven. "Even though we are physically distant from here, our hearts remain at home, in Kerem Shalom."

The "Adloyada" parade made its way from the neighboring military base to the settlement, where Kibbutz residents joyfully distributed holiday gifts, known as "mishlochey manot," to the military personnel.