Al Jazeera deletes IDF rape allegations interview at Israel's request

On Saturday, March 23, the Qatari television channel Al Jazeera aired an interview with a resident of the Gaza Strip who claimed that Israeli soldiers were committing rape and murder of Palestinian women during an operation at Shifa Hospital.

This interview has been widely shared on social networks within the Arab community.

The alleged testimony prompted a large protest in Jordan on March 24, where thousands of residents took to the streets and marched towards the Israeli Embassy in Amman. The Hamas-affiliated Palestine Information Center stated that Jordanians were protesting "against the crimes of the Zionist regime, such as rape and murder in the besieged Shifa Hospital."

In response, IDF spokesman Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee posted a message on his X-blog on the morning of March 24, denouncing the claims as "new lies" spread by Al-Jazeera and Hamas without any evidence.

Israeli TV channel Kan-11 reported in its evening news that Israel's representatives had contacted Al-Jazeera's editors, resulting in the removal of the material from the channel's website. However, the interview had already circulated widely on various social networks.