Yedioth Ahronoth: Government modifies proposed Haredi enlistment law

Israeli daily newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth has reported that the government is making changes to the proposed Haredi enlistment law, which will be presented for a vote by the Knesset on March 27.

According to the news website, the government has decided to remove a clause raising the exemption age for yeshiva students to 35 from the measure. This paragraph drew sharp criticism as it allows yeshiva students to continue studying or enrolling in yeshivas until the age of 35 without being drafted into the army or officially working anywhere.

Yedioth Ahronoth reports, citing an anonymous representative of Haredi parties, that the corrected text will contain financial sanctions for evasion of service, with the consent of Shas and United Torah Judaism. Criminal sanctions are not provided for by law.

The draft law will be presented to the cabinet without Defense Minister Yoav Galant, who is currently visiting the United States. Galant opposed this draft law and said he would not support it during the vote. Minister Benny Gantz noted that he will leave the government if the cabinet approves the draft law in its current form.

The day before, Attorney General of Israel Gali Baharav-Miara informed Cabinet Secretary Yossi Fuchs that she would be unable to defend the proposed bill in the High Court.

Ultra-Orthodox, or Haredi, men of military age have been able to avoid the draft for decades by enrolling for study in yeshivas and obtaining repeated one-year service deferrals until they reach the age of military exemption at 26.