Mossad chief withdraws Israeli delegation from Qatar

Mossad chief David Barnea has ordered the Israeli delegation participating in negotiations in Qatar, aimed at preparing a deal with Hamas, to return.

Previously, Hamas rejected a compromise proposed by Israel, conveyed a few days ago to the United States, which would allow the gradual return home of residents of the northern part of the Gaza Strip and the release of hostages.

As noted by Israel Hayom, Hamas' refusal demonstrates that terrorists are not interested in the deal, and Israel is unwilling to agree to the terrorists' excessive demands.

"There are boundaries that we are not ready to cross, so the head of Mossad ordered the delegation to return," stated the report.

"Hamas reiterates its demands: an immediate end to the war, a complete withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip, and Hamas remaining in power so that they can repeat October 7 over and over again," quotes an informed security source.

"Israel will not comply with these demands, will continue to achieve the goals set for the army by armed means to free all hostages, destroy the military and ruling potential of Hamas, and guarantee Israel's security from the Gaza Strip."