Terrorist attack near Jericho: left-wing activists' car fired upon defending bedouins

New details have emerged regarding the casualties from this morning's terrorist attack on Route 90.

According to right-wing activist Elhanan Gruner's X blog, terrorists fired at the car of left-wing activists from the organization "Looking at the occupation with our eyes" who were on duty near a Bedouin village near Jericho to "protect them from settler violence." Local Jewish settlers provided first aid to the wounded before the ambulance teams arrived.

It's noted that the targeted car was recently purchased specifically for the needs of left-wing activists. Gruner mentions that a new car for the organization "Looking at the Occupation with Our Eyes" was acquired after the previous one was stolen by Arabs about a month ago.

The terrorist attack occurred around 7:30 AM on Thursday, March 28, when terrorists opened fire on Israeli vehicles on Highway 90 near Al-Auja, north of Jericho in the Jordan Valley. Among the targets was an armored school bus.

The Magen David Adom ambulance service reported three injuries: a man around 30 years old with serious to moderate injuries, a 21-year-old man with mild gunshot wounds to the extremities, and a 13-year-old with facial wounds from glass fragments, also in mild condition. The wounded were transported to Jerusalem's Shaare Zedek Hospital.

Highway 90 is currently blocked in both directions from Moshav Na'ama to Kibbutz Na'aran.

The military is actively searching for the terrorists.