Beersheba terrorist who lived in Rahat 'was known to the police'

Israel Police's Southern District Commander, Major General Amir Cohen stated that the terrorist who attacked soldiers near the central bus station in Beersheba Be'er "was known to the police."

According to Cohen, the investigation revealed that the terrorist, a resident of the Bedouin city of Rahat, boarded a bus around 7:40, which brought him to Beersheba. Around 8:35, at the central bus station, he pulled out a knife and attacked the soldiers. One was injured, the other one suffered from shock. The third soldier shot the terrorist.

The wounded soldier was lightly hurt and taken to Soroka Hospital in good condition, the Magen David Adom ambulance says.

Cohen noted that the terrorist had a criminal record for drug-related offenses and thefts, and he was supposed to start serving his sentence in the form of community service.