Government legal adviser calls for Yeshiva student conscription starting April 1

The government's legal adviser, Gali Baharav Miara, has officially asked the defense and education ministries to start conscripting yeshiva students into the army from April 1, 2024.

Baharav Miara's request is based on the expiration of a government decree at midnight, which used to exempt yeshiva students from military service. She also argues against providing compensation to yeshivas, as it would go against a temporary court order.

According to Walla, a source close to the government claims that Baharav Miara's actions are causing division among the public and accuses her of defying a High Court of Justice order, which had postponed the matter for several weeks.

On March 28, the High Court of Justice issued a temporary ruling prohibiting funding to yeshivas whose students are subject to conscription laws and failed to report to conscription centers. However, funding for students exempt from military service or granted deferments will continue.

This decision will take effect on April 1 and remain in force until the court reaches a final verdict. A meeting of the High Court, scheduled for May, will involve an expanded panel of nine judges.

Senior members of the ultra-Orthodox sector have strongly criticized the decision. Aryeh Deri, head of Shas, hinted at the possibility of Shas leaving the coalition, stating, "I understand military personnel who refuse to serve in the army of a state that is fighting yeshivas."