IDF eliminates dozens of militants in Shifa Hospital; Air Force strikes over 80 targets

The IDF continues its operations in the Strip's north, center, and south. In the past 24 hours, the Air Force has targeted over 80 sites in Gaza.

The operation around Shifa Hospital and its vicinity involves forces from the 401st Brigade and the Shayetet 13 commando unit. Since March 17, hundreds of terrorists have been eliminated here. Several militants were killed in this area in the past 24 hours.

Forces from the 215th Brigade and the Air Force have targeted several buildings in the Rimal area in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. Terrorists fired anti-tank missiles at Israeli soldiers from there. The militants involved in the attacks have been neutralized.

Fighters from the Nahal Brigade, operating in the central part of the Gaza sector, have eliminated over 15 terrorists in the past 24 hours.

The 98th Division continues its operations in the southern part of the Gaza sector. Fighters from the 7th Brigade and the Air Force have eliminated several terrorists, and engineering forces have destroyed several terrorist infrastructures. Commando Brigade fighters, operating in the al-Amal area with air support, have eliminated several terrorists and the infrastructure they hid in. Givati Brigade fighters have destroyed around 15 terrorists in the past 24 hours with sniper fire and mortar shells.