Anti-government demonstrations take place outside Knesset for third straight night

For the third evening in a row, anti-government demonstrations are taking place near the Knesset, with participants demanding the dissolution of parliament and holding early elections. Demonstrators also demand that the government reach a deal with Hamas to return Israeli captives held in Gaza.

Tens of thousands of people are participating in the rally.

Einav Zangauker, whose son Matan has been held hostage in Gaza since October 7, took to the microphone and invoked the symbolism of the Passover Haggadah, which tells the story of the Jews' exodus from Egypt.

She referred to Benjamin Netanyahu as "that very Pharaoh" who brought upon his people the tenth Egyptian plague - the death of the firstborn. "During your rule, you nurtured and cultivated Hamas. Because of you, my son was abducted and tortured," she said.