Jerusalem boosts police presence for fourth Friday of Ramadan

On the eve of the fourth Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Jerusalem is under a heightened state of security alert.

A total of 3,600 police officers and MAGAV border police officers will be stationed throughout the capital. Their duties include maintaining public order, managing traffic, and ensuring people can freely practice their religious rituals.

Leading the operation is Doron Turgeman, the commander of the Jerusalem Police District.

Security measures are being bolstered, with additional patrols deployed. Expect increased police presence, particularly at intersections across Jerusalem, in the eastern part of the city, and around the Old City and Temple Mount area.

In the past week, police have been actively identifying and suppressing instances of violence and unrest. Just yesterday, a 20-year-old suspect was apprehended in Jerusalem's Old City, found in possession of an Islamic Jihad flag.