Case closed: Knesset member Fogel cleared of terrorism incitement charges

On Thursday, April 11, news broke that the criminal case against Knesset member Zvika Fogel (Otzma Yehudit), suspected of inciting terrorism, was closed.

Journalist Amit Segal reported that Fogel received official notification from the prosecutor's office regarding the case closure.

The investigation into the deputy was initiated shortly after the events in the village of Huwara, located south of Hebron, where significant damage to Arab property occurred following a terrorist attack by Jews.

In an interview with Galey Israel radio at the time, Vogel stated, "The village of Hawara burned and closed is what I want to see. The deterrence achieved by these actions is something Israel has not been able to create since Operation Protective Wall."

Fogel later clarified that his words were misinterpreted, stating, "A situation in which citizens take the law into their own hands is unacceptable."