IDF obtains new video detailing capture of observers at Nahal Oz outpost

The IDF has acquired video footage from the action cameras worn by Nukhba militants, documenting their capture of military observers at the Nahal Oz outpost on October 7.

Mako reports that, after obtaining approval from the families of those captured, the IDF presented the video to military cabinet members.

In the video, Hamas forces are seen lining up seven observers against a wall. Initially, two of them attempted to be dead but were quickly discovered by the militants.

The captors are heard speaking in Hebrew, "We will exchange you for our people".

One segment of the footage shows a militant forcing a soldier to demonstrate how to use her phone to call Gaza.

The video concludes with the terrorists escorting the captured soldiers into pickup trucks, heading towards the Gaza Strip.

Mako mentions that the IDF is contemplating whether to publicly release excerpts of the video or to limit its viewing to private screenings for journalists and influential bloggers.