Shlomi Tovi and Esther Moshe attended the Nova trance music festival near Kibbutz Re'im on what became known as the largest attack on Jews since the Holocaust.

They managed to escape the scene of the devastating terrorist attack, which claimed over 350 lives, and walked 20 kilometers in search of safety.

Now, they are embracing their newborn child, born just days ago. According to Srugim, Esther was already pregnant on October 7, when she made every effort to protect her unborn baby.

Reflecting on the moment when his child's information bracelet was placed on his wrist alongside the festival entry band, Shlomi described feeling a profound shift in his soul, a sense of being reborn.

Esther explained they could have easily ended up among the dead or kidnapped. She recalled the chaos during the Hamas terrorist attack at the festival, noting how nobody grasped the severity of the situation. "We couldn't fathom such a massacre," she said.

Esther revealed she refused to stop and rest on their journey from the festival, unsure if she could keep going. "Nova signifies rebirth," Shlomi added. "Even after such tragedy, life, hope, and love endure."