In light of the resumption of public events at Tel Aviv's Park Yarkon, starting with Omer Adam's concert on April 18, security protocols have changed: civilians will now be permitted to bring their own personal weapons to concerts.

As explained by IDF Radio on Monday, April 15, the return to mass event formats necessitates heightened security measures.

However, due to the ongoing war in Gaza and the prevailing security concerns, law enforcement agencies are unable to allocate additional personnel to maintain order at concerts.

Following a security chief's meeting, it was decided to allow civilians with licensed firearms to carry them into the concert venue. This decision may be influenced by numerous incidents where armed civilians effectively thwarted terrorist attacks.

Omer Adam's concert was originally scheduled for April 15 but was canceled due to significant rocket fire from Iran. After the Home Front Command lifted gathering restrictions, the concert was rescheduled for April 18.