IDF strikes 40 targets in south Lebanon within several minutes

The IDF says that earlier today, it struck some 40 Hezbollah targets in the Ayta ash-Shab area in southern Lebanon. The strikes were conducted by aircraft and artillery shelling within several minutes.

The IDF targeted weapon depots and terrorist infrastructure belonging to Hezbollah, the military says.

Significant damage was inflicted on Hezbollah's ability to conduct operations from this area.

Earlier Lebanese media reported that on April 24, the IDF Air Force apparently used bunker-buster bombs in an attack on a target in Ayta ash-Shab for the first time since the start of the conflict. This conclusion was drawn based on the analysis of videos taken by witnesses of the attack. Neither the IDF nor Hezbollah commented on the report. 

Many of Hezbollah's infrastructure facilities in southern Lebanon are hidden underground, making the use of bunker-buster bombs logical.

Based on the video footage provided by the IDF, it's challenging to make a definitive conclusion about the specific munitions used in the strikes on targets in Ayta ash-Shab.