Four Israelis rescued by military after attempt to reach Yosef's Tomb in Nablus

On the night of April 25, four Israelis attempted to travel to Yosef’s tomb in Nablus without permission and failed to inform the military. Along the way, their car's tires were punctured. They sought help from the IDF and were rescued. Their car has been seized, and police are investigating. Fortunately, there were no injuries in this incident.

Access to Yosef's tomb in Nablus requires permission from the army command. Typically, access is arranged by buses, with the military ensuring safety in Palestinian territories.

On October 18, 2023, Yosef's tomb was destroyed by individuals identified as Arabs.

The most recent attack on Yosef's Tomb in Nablus occurred on April 10-11, 2022. Following its restoration, pilgrimages by Jewish believers resumed.

On April 24, 2011, during an attempt to visit Yosef's grave independently, 25-year-old Ben Yosef Livnat was killed, and four other Israelis were wounded. The perpetrators were apprehended and brought to justice.