Parents of 400 soldiers call on Gantz and Eisenkot to halt Rafah operation

Haaretz reports that the parents of 400 IDF soldiers have appealed to Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot, urging them not to carry out an operation in Rafah that could turn into a "death trap."

In their letter, the authors expressed concern that "every sensible person understands that when there's been talk for several months about sending troops to Rafah, there are those there who are preparing to strike our forces."

They referenced a warning from Reserve Major General Israel Ziv, who advised against conducting the operation in Rafah altogether. According to him, Rafah holds little strategic importance in Hamas's destruction, but the potential consequences there could be severe.

The letter was signed by parents whose children serve in the Shaldag, Maglan, Egoz, and Yahalom units.

Concluding their letter, the parents stated: "You're not treating the soldiers with the responsibility they deserve. We no longer trust you."