On Monday, May 6, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a telephone call with US President Joe Biden.

Just hours before their discussion, CNN reported, citing the White House press service, that Biden intended to confer with Netanyahu, closely monitoring the unfolding events in Rafah. The Israeli military had initiated evacuations of civilians in the eastern quarters of the city.

As per Israeli media outlets, the conversation between the two leaders lasted approximately half an hour.

John Kirby, National Security Council Strategic Communications Coordinator, revealed that the discussion centered around the Rafah operation and negotiations with Hamas for the release of the hostages.

Kirby noted Biden's expressed concern over the military activities in Rafah, home to over a million displaced individuals from across the Gaza Strip. The US President emphasized that a ceasefire agreement with Hamas remains the optimal path to ensure the safe return of the hostages.

Additionally, Biden demanded the reopening of the Kerem Shalom crossing, which had been closed following an attack resulting in the deaths of four Israeli soldiers, according to a statement from the White House. Netanyahu assured Biden of the crossing's reopening.