IDF destroys two terrorist tunnels in Beit Hanoun

During the past few weeks, the IDF, led by the engineering unit of the Gaza Division along with the Engineering Corps of the Southern Command, Yahalom Unit, and the Northern Brigade, have been engaged in the mapping and destruction of two terrorist tunnels in Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip.

One of the tunnels was first located during Operation Protective Edge in 2014. Hamas terrorists used it to infiltrate Israeli territory. The tunnel was destroyed immediately upon discovery, but over time, the terrorists rebuilt it.

The other tunnel was part of Hamas's extensive underground tunnel and bunker system. It had been repeatedly targeted with airstrikes during current Operation Swords of Iron. After research and mapping work conducted in recent weeks, it was determined that airstrikes destroyed the tunnel route. This tunnel was dug about 150 meters from the Israeli border but did not cross into Israel. It was destroyed through demolition means.