Channel 7: Palestinians detonate bomb in Burqa and declare 'settler violence'

On Thursday night, May 9, terrorists from Burqa village in the Binyamin district detonated a powerful explosive device near residential buildings in Givat Harel village. They also ignited several fires, hoping to start a blaze. However, volunteers and military personnel quickly extinguished the fires.

As noted by Channel Seven, Palestinians had previously reported an alleged attack by settlers on their village. However, upon investigation, security forces found no evidence of the attack. Instead, they discovered a recently detonated bomb and several arsonists in the pasture.

It appears Palestinians may have attempted to provoke settlers with explosions and arson, though their efforts failed. The incident occurred shortly after the visit of Hanke Bruins Slot, the Netherlands Minister of Foreign Affairs, to Burka village, during which Palestinians detailed alleged "settlement violence."