International Remembrance Day ceremony draws thousands of Diaspora Jews

Thousands of young people with Jewish roots worldwide participated in Masa's annual international Remembrance Day ceremony at theYad La-Shiryon memorial in Latrun. The event, broadcast in 60 countries and several languages, focused on the stories of lone soldiers, citizens, and new immigrants who died in the War of Iron Swords and other attacks.

The ceremony, the largest in Israel, was translated into Hebrew, Spanish, Russian, and French for Jewish communities worldwide and broadcast on social media. Approximately 5,000 people attended, including bereaved families, Masa program participants, and public figures like Minister Ron Dermer.

Stories featured Masa graduates who died defending Israel, including Rose Lubin, Omer Balva, and Denis Krokhmalov-Veksler. The ceremony also honored Dr. Daniel Levy and the Dee family, who lost loved ones in terrorist attacks.

A joint prayer was held for the return of all abductees, including Masa graduate Andrey Kozlov. Doron Almog, head of EA Sokhnut, emphasized unity and gratitude for those who sacrificed for Israel's defense.

Yael Saar Rubinstein, acting CEO of Masa, highlighted the theme "We are One People," emphasizing the bond between the Jewish Diaspora and Israel.

Approximately 12,000 young people with Jewish roots from dozens of countries come to Israel annually to study, volunteer, and contribute to Israeli society through Masa programs.