On May 12-13 (4 Iyar according to the Jewish calendar), on the eve of Independence Day (Yom Ha'atzmaut), Israel observes Remembrance Day (Yom Zikaron).

At 8:00 PM, a one-minute mourning siren sounded nationwide, followed by a memorial candle-lighting ceremony at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, attended by President Isaac Herzog. Shortly after, an alarm sounded in Sderot and the surrounding area, warning of rocket fire.

A two-minute repeat Memorial Day siren is scheduled for May 13 at 11:00 AM, followed by a ceremony on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

Addressing the issue of abductees held by terrorists in the Gaza Strip, Isaac Herzog emphasized at the Western Wall ceremony that "there is no more important commandment than the release of prisoners."

Throughout the eve and day of mourning, many families visited the graves of their loved ones and friends who perished in wars and terrorist attacks.

The Defense Ministry urges Israelis to prioritize the closest loved ones of fallen soldiers and security forces in cemeteries on Remembrance Day. Other citizens are encouraged to visit cemeteries after the traditional Remembrance Day ceremonies.