Israel marks Remembrance Day with nationwide mourning siren

Israel commemorates Yom HaZikaron, the Day of Remembrance.

At 11:00 AM, a two-minute siren honored those lost in wars and terrorist attacks, followed by a funeral ceremony at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

Casualty Data

A few days before Remembrance Day, the Ministry of Defense released figures on military and security personnel casualties in conflicts and terrorist attacks, including the new additions this year. Data on orphans and individuals who lost siblings was also disclosed.

Since 1860, 25,040 military personnel have died in wars and terrorist attacks. This year, 827 names were added, including 766 new casualties and 61 disabled IDF personnel. Terrorist attacks claimed 5,100 civilian lives, with 822 deaths last year, including 68 foreign nationals.

Since October 7 and the war in Gaza, 716 military and security personnel have died. The Ministry of Defense supports 4,236 immediate relatives, including parents, widows, widowers, orphans, and siblings of the fallen.