The Israeli government unanimously approved Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's proposal to reject the UN General Assembly resolution of May 10, 2024.

Netanyahu stated, "Today, the government opposed the UN resolution adopted last week to promote recognition of a Palestinian state. It is unacceptable to reward the horrific massacre of October 7, which is supported by 80% of Palestinians in both Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip. We will not allow the creation of a terrorist state from which they can carry out even more attacks against us. No one will stop us, Israel, from exercising our basic right to self-defense: neither the UN General Assembly nor anyone else. We stand together, with our heads held high. We will stand in defense of our country."

The government decided:

  1. To reject the UN General Assembly resolution of May 10, 2024, which elevates the status of the Palestinian Authority and grants it additional powers typically reserved for UN member states.
  2. To affirm that the above decision does not alter the status of the disputed territories, nor does it transfer any rights or diminish any rights of the State of Israel and the Jewish people in Eretz Israel.
  3. To declare that the above decision will not serve as the basis for future negotiations and may contribute to a peaceful solution.