Representatives of the Prime Minister's Office have announced that Benjamin Netanyahu has decided to resume the promotion of the conscription bill, which passed its first reading in the previous Knesset. This pertains to Amendment 26 of the Law on Military Service ("Hok Sherut Habitachon").

An official statement from the Prime Minister's Office noted that the decision was made as a compromise and aims to garner widespread support. The bill was formulated by the Ministry of Defense after extensive input from specialists and was initially presented by then-Defense Minister Benny Gantz.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has directed for the bill to be included on the agenda of the Cabinet meeting on legislation, scheduled for Thursday, to commence active efforts towards its advancement.

Additionally, the Prime Minister has called on all Knesset factions that previously supported the bill to continue their support.

It is worth noting that earlier, the Supreme Court mandated that the state provide explanations regarding the progress of the conscription law by mid-May, which is today's deadline.