The Ministry of Aliyah and Integration's press service informed The News of Israel that the head of the ministry, Ofir Sofer, is working on allocating a budget for a program for immigrated scientists that ceased operating last year.

The press service also reports ongoing efforts to secure funds for employing immigrants in culture and art.

A spokesperson for Minister Sofer stated that, due to rising antisemitism in universities worldwide, Israel has an opportunity to attract many scientists to the country. This situation increases the likelihood that the government will agree to boost the Ministry of Aliyah's budget to revive the program for employing immigrated scientists.

It's worth noting that despite a budget shortage leading to the closure of several important programs for Olim (immigrants) in recent years, the government approved continued funding in January for a program encouraging Aliyah from the United States and France. This initiative was started by Ofir Sofer immediately after his appointment as Minister of Aliyah and Integration.