IDF destroys Hamas rocket launchers in Rafah used to target central Israel

The IDF reported the destruction of Hamas rocket launchers in Rafah, which had fired at central Israel several hours earlier.

The operation was carried out by the air force with the assistance of soldiers from the 162nd Division.

The IDF published a map showing missile launch points on May 26, 2024. Seven rockets were fired from one point in the Rafah area, and another was fired from a location slightly to the east. Three rockets fell into the sea. Several were shot down by the missile defense system, and others landed in open areas.

During an evening briefing, IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari noted that the missile launch site was approximately 800 meters from IDF forces. He stated that the militants were eager to use their missile arsenal before it could be destroyed by the IDF. The rocket launchers were positioned between a school and a mosque, which Hagari said is another example of Hamas's cynical use of civilians as "human shields."