War cabinet observer MK Gadi Eisenkot, speaking at the annual Meir Dagan conference at the Netanya Academic College, made several harsh remarks regarding the actions of the government and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Eisenkot criticized the handling of the current war and the decision-making process, which he claims has been influenced by political considerations.

Eisenkot argued that Netanyahu's concept of 'total victory' is a mere slogan and said that the government has "completely failed in all announced goals." According to Eisenkot, Netanyahu failed to stop Iran's nuclear program, normalize relations with Saudi Arabia, restore security and effective governance in Israel, curb the rising cost of living, and strengthen Israel's economy. Eisenkot concluded that Netanyahu has "failed all four of these overarching goals" and should "step down."

Eisenkot also discussed the ongoing war in Gaza, stating that the battle in Rafah is merely a "tactical skirmish" and that combating terrorism requires a continuous, long-term effort, similar to operations in Judea and Samaria.

"Anyone who says that we'll disband a few battalions in Rafah and then bring back the hostages is sowing a false illusion," Eisenkot said.

He acknowledged that the process of freeing hostages is extremely complex, as they are "scattered across dozens of locations in Gaza."

Likud responded sharply to their coalition partner's remarks: "Eisenkot and Gantz are looking for excuses to end the war without achieving its goals and to leave the government in the midst of the war. Instead of striving together for victory, they engage in petty politics."