Minister of Religious Affairs to appoint 10 women to chief rabbis election commission

Minister of Religious Affairs Michael Malchieli (Shas) announced that, in response to the Emunah organization's appeal, he will appoint 10 women to the commission for the election of Israel's chief rabbis. These women will serve as his representatives and use his entire quota of appointments.

In her letter to the minister, Ifat Sela, chairman of the Emunah organization, highlighted that including women as public representatives should ensure that elections to the Chief Rabbinate consider the views of various population segments. Sela thanked the minister for his decision, hoping it will start a tradition of mandatory women's representation and strengthen their role on the commission.

The elections for chief rabbis are direct, secret, and individual, with a commission of 150 people: 80 rabbis and 70 public representatives. The commission comprises various rabbis, military rabbis, former chief rabbis, and public representatives, including mayors, council heads, ministers, deputies, and appointees by the Minister of Religious Affairs.

In the next elections, all 10 public representatives chosen by the minister will be women. While this won't entirely correct the gender imbalance, it is a significant step towards achieving equal representation for women.