Shin Bet reports the prevention of a suicide attack in Israel planned by a Nablus resident recruited by Hamas. The suspect, Anas Shurman, was arrested two months ago as preparations for the attack were near completion.

Shurman, recruited by Hamas operatives in Turkey, agreed to execute the attack in Israel's heartland. He underwent motorcycle training for the operation, received funds, a 12 kg explosive device, and recorded a will.

Shurman's arrest led to the apprehension of several Hamas militants involved in preparing the explosive device and its transportation. The operation was overseen by Hudeifa Slaymeh, a Hamas activist based in Turkey.

An indictment has been filed against Shurman in the military court of Judea, charging him with attempted murder, preparation of a terrorist attack, contact with an enemy organization, and membership in a prohibited organization. Several other Nablus terrorists have also been charged.