On June 4, Israeli prosecutors filed charges against Murad Yashaev, a Russian citizen, who attacked police officers near the Jaffa Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem on May 27, Walla reports.

According to the indictment, 30-year-old Murad Yashaev, a professional boxer, tried to prevent Jews from entering the Temple Mount. When a police officer approached him, Yashaev stated that access to the Temple Mount was "allowed only for Muslims" (which is false). During the altercation, Yashaev struck the officer in the face, causing him to fall and lose consciousness. The accused attempted to continue the beating, but other police officers intervened, subdued Yashaev, and took him to the police station on David Square.

The prosecutor's office noted that Yashaev not only attacked a police officer but also threatened him. He shouted: "Wait, when you’re in Russia, I’ll stab you," "Putin will deal with you," among other threats.

After his arrest, Yashaev continued to threaten law enforcement officers, shouting: "Allah Akbar... I killed Jews in Ukraine and Russia... I fought and will fight here... All the Russians will come to kill you in Israel."

The prosecutor's office has requested to extend Yashaev's detention until the end of the investigation, noting that he is considered socially dangerous due to his extensive background in boxing and hand-to-hand combat and his extreme aggression towards Israelis.