On June 6, IDF forces, General Security Service (Shin Bet), and Border Police (MAGAV) officers detained 21 terrorist suspects in Judea and Samaria, including 11 Hamas activists. The detainees were handed over to Shin Bet investigators for questioning.

Operations took place in Kafr Aqab, Deir Jarir, Al Bir, Beit Awwa, and Qalqas. Weapons, including M-16 automatic rifles, and ammunition were confiscated. Clashes occurred, but no casualties were reported among the Israeli military.

Since the beginning of the war on October 7, 2023, more than 4,150 terror suspects have been detained in the Palestinian Authority, with over 1,750 associated with Hamas.

Additionally, on the night of June 6, a car bomb exploded about a kilometer from the Taysir checkpoint, between eastern Samaria and the Jordan Valley, within the Palestinian Authority territory. Fortunately, no injuries were reported as a result of the explosion.