On Wednesday, a group of national religious rabbis, recognizable by their "knitted yarmulkes," penned an appeal to Israeli politicians. The rabbis expressed their opposition to the proposed law regarding the conscription of the ultra-Orthodox community, citing Torah teachings that emphasize universal participation in warfare.

Their statement underscores: “According to the Torah, every Jew, including Torah students, must engage in warfare to support the people of Israel in their struggles against adversaries. We implore the nation's representatives not to endorse the current government's plan, which fails to adequately address the country's security and social needs, both in the short and long term."

The rabbis urge politicians at all levels to devise and advocate for a pragmatic conscription policy that would ensure the inclusion of all sectors of society, including the ultra-Orthodox community, in safeguarding the nation and its people.

Signatories to the appeal include Rabbi Yitzchak Sheila, head of the Hesder Yeshiva in Ma'ale Adumim; Rabbi Yaaqov Medan, head of the Har Etzion Yeshiva; David Stav, chairman of the Tzohar organization, and others.