Agam Goldstein-Almog, 18, recently released in a deal with Hamas after 51 days in captivity, spoke at the Local Power Center Conference about the harsh criticism she has received from fellow Israelis. She was shocked by the backlash for her communication with her captors while in captivity.

Agam revealed that people have sent her messages saying, "It was easy for you in captivity," and "It’s a pity you returned." She feels she has not yet returned to normal life and is still mourning the loss of her father and sister. The negative reactions from her fellow citizens have added to her distress.

“It feels like they are my enemies,” Goldstein-Almog said. “Why do they speak so badly about me? I mentioned how I talked with the kidnappers, and people didn’t like it. I behaved like a human being, and they criticize me for this. The comments are very difficult to handle."

Commenting on the release of Shlomi Ziv, Noa Argamani, Almog Meir, and Andrei Kozlov, Agam said, “I see the abducted people returning. They will not rebuild their lives; they will create them anew.” Reflecting on her own experience, she added, “I am Agam, who lost her father and sister. But to the country, I am Agam, who returned from captivity.”