Defense Minister Yoav Gallant will vote against the bill that allows the continuation of the draft law proposed by the previous government, Kan Bet reports.

Galant has decided to oppose the bill due to disagreements with the proposed legislation that the government aims to advance.

Several other Likud members are also considering opposing the bill.

MK Tali Gottlieb initially planned to vote against it but announced on June 10 that she would support the bill.

It remains unclear how MKs Eli Dellal, Boaz Bismuth, Dan Illouz, and Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli will vote. All have expressed opposition to the bill.

All opposition members, including those from the Ra'am party and the Hadash-Ta'al bloc, are expected to vote against the bill.

The vote is expected late on June 10.

Knesset Legal Advisor Sagit Afik stated her opposition to granting the law the right of continuous approval.