Relatives of Israelis kidnapped on October 7 participated in the Local Government Center Conference in Tel Aviv. Orly Gilboa, the mother of kidnapped IDF observer Daniela Gilboa, called for an immediate deal with Hamas, calling it the only way to bring her daughter and other hostages back alive, Walla reported on Monday.

"The last operation was a one-time event that could have easily ended in the deaths of all involved in the rescue," she emphasized. "The only way to bring everyone back alive is through political means. I don't want my daughter to return with a Palestinian grandchild."

Orly Gilboa stressed the importance of military pressure on Hamas but noted that "after eight months, we see that military pressure is not bringing them back. My daughter, as a woman, and the other girls have experienced and continue to experience hell and sexual violence there. I would be happy if IDF forces brought her back, but the only way is through a deal."

Not all relatives of the kidnapped agree with this position. Tzvika Mor, father of kidnapped Eitan Mor, argued at the same conference that a military approach is necessary for the release of his son and other hostages.

"We are paying today for the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange," he emphasized. "Our kidnapped can only be returned by the Israeli government and security forces, so they need to be brought back as soon as possible."

"This will only happen if we use significant force, as we saw on Saturday," Mor continued. "What has happened so far cannot be called a strong war. I also want a deal. I don't want a deal with Hamas, but fine, let it be. The question is how to reach it. Besides political steps, we need to use powerful military pressure to deal with Hamas' demands."