Israeli filmmaker Tom Nesher's debut feature "Come Closer" won first prize in the Tribeca Film Festival's "Viewpoints" competition on Thursday. The award recognizes "boundary-pushing, rule-breaking new voices in independent film."

According to the judges, the decision to award the prize was unanimous. "This film pulled us all in from just a few frames, and we felt that we were in skillful hands, as it is fiercely executed and superbly performed," said the judges.

Tom Nesher, daughter of renowned Israeli director Avi Nesher, dedicated her film to her 17-year-old brother, who died in a hit-and-run accident. Tomer admitted she aimed to create a family drama and "a fun, sexy coming-of-age story" that her brother Ari would have liked.

The film premiered at the festival to lengthy applause. However, as requested by the festival organizers, the Israeli film crew had to appear without yellow ribbon pins, which symbolize solidarity with Israeli hostages, at the photo call the day before the premiere. Later, the director and actors wore the pins at the premiere party.