Since October 7, 30 Gaza terrorists have received benefits from Israeli government agency

NDI deputy Yulia Malinovskaya requested The National Headquarters for Economic Methods of Combating Terror at the Military Intelligence Directorate (AMAN) to check the list of benefit recipients of the Israeli National Insurance Institute in the Gaza Strip.

The Israel Hayom writes that the document, which was handed over to Malinovskaya from AMAN, lists the names of 30 Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants who, as it turned out, receive money from Bituach Leumi.

The document states that the list of benefit recipients was compiled by checking the ID card numbers of the benefit recipients with the database of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Labor Minister Yoav Ben-Tzur said that as soon as the lists were received from AMAN, he issued a decree to stop payments to terrorists. At the same time, the minister expressed regret about “the fuss raised by politicians around Bituach Leumi, at a time when the National Insurance Institute is at the forefront of providing assistance to citizens during war.”