A few days ago, the IDF Navy's new landing ship, the Komemiyut, arrived at the naval base in Haifa. Like its predecessor, the Nachshon, it was built at Ingalls Shipbuilding in Pascagoula, Mississippi.

The Komemiyut is 95 meters long and 20 meters wide, with a displacement of 2,500 tons and a crew of dozens. It is designed for amphibious landings and logistical support for long voyages.

Navy Commander Vice Admiral David Saar Salama emphasized the strategic importance of the new ship for Israel, highlighting its role in enhancing the fleet's interaction with other military branches and enabling operations far from Israel's shores.

At the welcoming ceremony for the Komemiyut, which crossed the Atlantic and Mediterranean seas, Salama also honored the memory of military personnel who died during operations against terrorist groups.