IDF to establish religious female combat unit with rabbi's support

In an interview with Channel Seven, Rabbi Ohad Teharlev, a figure in the liberal wing of religious Zionism, revealed that the army approached him to help establish and oversee a combat unit for girls.

Rabbi Teharlev, who heads the Midreshet Lindenbaum educational institution for girls, had previously opposed the conscription of girls into the IDF. However, in a recent interview, he explained why he ultimately decided to support the new initiative.

"We are discussing a unit where only female soldiers will serve, akin to the Nahal Haredi for male ultra-religious soldiers. They will have a spiritual mentor, and the military rabbinate will provide full support," Teharlev emphasized.

The rabbi clarified that he is not representing any specific religious organization in his assistance, which he provides independently. He stated that his decision came after learning that approximately 350 girls, including those from religious backgrounds, are slated to be drafted into combat roles this year.

"We're not breaking the taboo on religious girls serving in the army; reality is breaking it, and we're responding to this new reality," he concluded.