A teacher from Herzliya posted an offensive message about Iris Haim, the mother of Yotam Haim – one of the three hostages mistakenly shot in the Gaza Strip by Israeli soldiers who mistook him and two others for Hamas operatives. The teacher, named Yotam Gutman, called Iris Haim "a vile Bibist who is just glowing after her son was shot."

"Can we already say that she is unbearable? A vile Bibist who has been glowing ever since her son was shot. I'm glad she feels better now, but why do we have to tolerate her appearance in TV studios?" wrote Gutman.

After a barrage of negative reactions, he deleted his post and published a forced apology on Sunday morning, but the public outrage continued.

Iris Haim responded to Gutman's attacks on her Facebook account, explaining that she does not have an account on X, where the scandal erupted.

"Interestingly, his name is Yotam," wrote Iris Haim. "And the last name Gutman – I have a good friend named Gutman. Many wrote to me and suggested suing him for defamation. Apparently, they wrote to him as well because he published a cold and forced apology. And seven minutes later, he wrote that I 'always looked insane, and after her son was executed, I just transformed.' Truly, how much evil can be in one person? This person works as a teacher in Israel."

"There are others like him who take words out of context and write that I am a Bibist – that's how they derogatorily refer to anyone who stands against hatred, malice, and division," Iris Haim continued. "I have decided to continue advocating for unity, and so I pity you, Yotam Gutman, for choosing words intended to insult me personally. After all, you could have just as easily written that you disagree with my views, and you would have garnered more support. I ask everyone to share this post of mine because I want to convey this: expressions of hatred are unacceptable from any side. I forgive you, Yotam Gutman, just as I forgave the soldiers and the army. I wish you peace in your soul. And next time you decide to insult someone, think about your mother. After all, she has a son named Yotam too."

Minister of Education Yoav Kisch condemned Yotam Gutman's post and appealed to the Herzliya municipality to summon Gutman for disciplinary action. Dozens of citizens also contacted the Herzliya municipality, demanding Gutman's immediate dismissal.

"I was shocked this morning by the vile attacks of a teacher from Herzliya on the mother of Yotam Haim – Iris Haim," said the Minister of Education. "Iris is a role model, an example of resilience and national unity. Unity and commitment to victory – this is the message Iris Haim conveys, and this is the message teachers should pass on to the next generation."

"Every person has the right to their opinion," concluded Yoav Kisch. "Whatever it may be. But a teacher's duty is to separate such things. I have asked the municipality to summon this teacher for disciplinary action, and experts will assess the question of his continued professional employment."