The ultra-Orthodox parties are sharply criticizing National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir after the amended version of the "rabbis bill" was removed from the agenda.

The bill was withdrawn because the head of Otzma Yehudit refused to support it due to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's refusal to include him in the narrow military action cabinet.

"Ben Gvir is pursuing an independent policy and achieving his goals through methods of crude pressure and blackmail, including against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu," said Social Welfare Minister Yaakov Margi (Shas).

The conflict reportedly arose last week when Shas chief Aryeh Deri told close associates that he had "nothing to talk about with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu." Deri added, "Netanyahu doesn't give us anything anyway."

After this statement, a meeting between Netanyahu and Deri took place, with the prime minister attempting to reach an agreement. However, it became clear that the head of government was unable to secure a majority in the vote on the new version of the rabbis bill, reigniting the coalition scandal.

On July 9, Kan reported that after the first version of the bill failed, Netanyahu gave his private consent to include Ben Gvir in the small cabinet, provided this decision was kept secret. Despite fulfilling this condition, Ben Gvir claims the forum met very rarely, effectively excluding him from real decision-making during the war. Shas suggested that the Prime Minister had good reasons for not including Ben-Gvir in the circle privy to classified information.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has refrained from making public statements about the coalition crisis but has expressed harsh criticism of Itamar Ben Gvir in private conversations. "I am not the head of a kindergarten. This is not how you work. He does not answer phone calls, does not show up for meetings," Netanyahu said, according to Kan.

The political system believes that despite the crisis, the coalition will not fall apart before the end of the summer session of the Knesset on July 28. However, it is possible that the process of disintegration is already irreversible and early elections are only a matter of time.